Prioritized Labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other Labels

  • Backport
    Issues to be backported
    OnGres Inc.
  • Blocked
    Issues that are blocked by another issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • Blocker
    Issues that are blocking another issues, to try to prioritize them
    OnGres Inc.
  • Bug
    A bug to be fixed
    OnGres Inc.
  • Bug::Won't fix
    OnGres Inc.
  • CDTI
    CDTI Issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • CI/CD
    Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
    OnGres Inc.
  • CONF
    CONF project
    OnGres Inc.
  • Customers
    Customers issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • Design
    Design issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • Discussion
    Discussion issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • Documentation
    All the things related to documentation, from technical writes to how to usage.
    OnGres Inc.
  • Feature Request
    I want this in my app!
    OnGres Inc.
  • Incident
    Incident issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • Infrastructure
    Related to components that supports the development and/or services used by OnGres
    OnGres Inc.
  • Port
    Issues to be ported
    OnGres Inc.
  • Post
    Blog post related issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • Product
    Product issues
    OnGres Inc.
  • Professional Services
    Profesional Services
    OnGres Inc.
  • QA
    Quality Assurance
    OnGres Inc.